The Zebra CC6000-10-3200LNNA Landscape Customer Concierge Android Kiosk is the ultimate in concierge-style service giving customers the best of online and in-store shopping, with all the convenient self-service capabilities they expect, and much more.
Not only can the CC6000 kiosk be used in customer facing retail and hospitality environments, businesses of any size can use this kiosk for the automating the check in and out of employees, tools and assets utilizing the built in 1D/2D SE4710 barcode Imager.
With its ultra-powerful processor, familiar Android interface, high definition multi-touch display, support for voice and video chat, and NFC, the CC6000 delivers a superior experience for even the most demanding interactive and multimedia apps. Best-in-class scan performance means that users can easily scan any item in the store, as well as mobile barcodes on their own devices.
What's Included:
Note: Requires Power Supply, DC Cable and AC Line cord if not using PoE (Power Over Ethernet). See Accessories tab to purchase.
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