Zebra SYM-MC3190G-WM-CRTP Barcode Kit

Zebra SYM-MC3190G-WM-CRTP Barcode Kit
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Price: See related items below or Call PTS for replacement details. 1-877-640-4152

The Zebra SYM-MC3190G-WM-CRTP Barcode Kit has been discontinued and is no longer available for sale.

The Motorola MC3190G Rugged Windows Mobile Wireless Barcode Kit enables mobile workers to collect data in a batch mode as well as in real time bringing anytime mobility to your mobile applications within the four-walls.

Pairing TracerPlus data collection software along with the rugged and ergonomic MC3190 gun terminal, retailers, government agencies and distribution centers can streamline and error-proof business processes, improving employee productivity as well as customer service and satisfaction.

Find Mobile Solutions for your MC3190G on TracerPlus.com >>

Note: The MC3100/MC3190 kits have been replaced by MC32N0 Kits - Browse MC32N0 Barcode Kits. The MC32N0 offers an upgraded processor and memory for faster performance and offers Windows Embedded Compact and Android OS's.