What are the advantages of using linerless printing?
Unlike standard linered labels, linerless labels do not have a liner with a release coating that enables the label to peel away and separate the adhesive from labels underneath it on the roll. Similar to a roll of tape, linerless labels feature a silicone release coating on the top layer of the labels and special adhesive that enables them to peel away from labels underneath. Implementing a linerless printing solution can provide many benefits, from faster operations to decreasing costs to improving workplace safety, while helping achieve sustainability goals to minimize waste and reduce CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions.
What is the difference between a Standard ZT411 and the ZT411 Linerless?
The ZT411 Linerless is a direct thermal printer without ribbon assembly. Additional distinctions between these printers lie in the cutter assembly and the platen roller. The standard platen roller features a white coating, whereas the linerless platen roller is equipped with a brown non-stick coating. The cutter assembly is identifiable by a yellow latch situated beneath the printhead assembly, inside the printer, behind the cutter assembly. To open the cutter assembly, simply depress the yellow latch, allowing the cutter assembly to pivot open.
Can a Direct Thermal ZT411 Linerless be upgraded to Thermal Transfer in the field?
No, Zebra does not offer a Thermal Transfer field upgrade kit due to the complexity and precise tolerances of the print system. For customers seeking the flexibility of a Thermal Transfer model, we recommend ordering the standard ZT411 along with the linerless field upgrade kit separately.
What Media is Zebra Certified to use with the ZT411 Linerless Printer?
Zebra's ZT411 Linerless Printer has been tested and matched with Zebra ZeroLiner 4500D Media for optimal performance and print quality. ZeroLiner 4500D ensures minimal adhesive buildup, allowing optimum cutter, platen and printhead life. Zebra Part Number: ZIPZLT3017582 (105mm x 280M) users can expect to yield more than 1800 standard shipping labels (4x6"/ 105x150mm) from a single roll.
Zebra ZT411L FAQ
Zebra Linerless Setup Guide
Zebra ZT411L User Guide
Support Resources for the Zebra ZT411L on Zebra.com >>